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ArimideXT  drug used to treat certain types of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It is also being studied in the treatment of other types of cancer. Anastrozole lowers the amount of estrogen made by the body. This may stop the growth of cancer cells that need estrogen to grow. Anastrozole is a type of nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor. Also called Arimidex

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Aromaxin $ 55.00 USD

Exemestane is a permanent aromatase inhibitor (AI), this means that once it binds to the aromatase enzyme it will be completely disabled. That is, Aromasin prevents the enzymes that bind to it from rebounding in quantity after its use is discontinued, so it is different from Arimidex or Letrozole. Unlike Aromasin, by using another AI we can temporarily stop the aromatization, but we run the risk of having an estrogenic rebound when we stop taking them. This is why several anabolic steroid cus ...

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Ashwagandha $ 25.00 USD

Equilibra el sistema nervioso
Adaptógeno anti estrés 
Anti inflamatorio 
Ayuda a conciliar el sueño

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BCAA $ 20.00 USD

Type of deamino acids that possess an aliphatic compound that are non-linear (its name comes from this branched out characteristic). Among them are leucine, laisoleucine and valine. They are called essential because our organism cannot manufacture them. The combination of these three essential amino acids makes up almost a third of the skeletal muscles in the human body and they play a very important role in protein synthesis.

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Boldenone Undecylenate is a very popular highly anabolic steroid and moderately androgenic. For this reason, it is typically used together with other steroids as Testosterone in stage of volume and with Stanoil in stages of definition. The principal benefit of using Boldenone Undecylenate is that it produces a clear increase in the multifaceted synthesis in the muscular cells.

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BPC-157 $ 50.00 USD

BPC-157, or Body Protection Compound 157, is a synthetic peptide that has gained attention for its potential healing properties and tissue-regenerating effects. It is derived from a naturally occurring protein found in the stomach and has been the subject of scientific research related to its potential therapeutic applications.

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Although Cardarine GW-501516 is often sold as an MRSA is not actually an MRSA, Cardarine is a PPAR receptor as are Andarine and SR9009, which exert a positive effect on lipoprotein metabolism and fatty acid oxidation in the liver.

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Chorionic Gonadotropin  5000ui

Chorionic Gonadotropin 5000ui $ 45.00 USD

chorionic gonadotropin human It is a hormone synthesized in the brain and with different functions in men and women. It is also produced by the placenta in pregnant women. In women it stimulates the maturation of the ovum and in men the production of testosterone (male sex hormone) in the testicles.

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The compound is very interesting since it has very similar effects to steroids like Winstrol and Oxandrolone and can lead to a solid increase in muscle mass and strength. Clenbuterol causes a increase in muscle protein and thus has a strong anti-catabolic effect. Many athletes use this to their advantage at the end of a steroid cycle to reduce the resultant loss in muscle usually experienced during this phase.

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Clembuterol ULTRA   It speeds up your metabolism, increases blood flow, and helps in burning your fat. As a result, you get a ripped and super-shredded body. Fat Burning Stack is able to mimic the effects of anabolic steroids.      Clembuterol, or Clen to its multitude of followers and customers, is widely known in the bodybuilding and fitness industry for its multiple benefits, and that it is safe enough for both men and women.

Clen, when taken in the body ...

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Vitamine B12 100mg 
Vinamine C 500mg 
sodium 30mg 
Potsium 48 mg 
Vitamine B3 50mg 
Creatine Monohidrataded 500mg 
Beta Alanina 1,000mg 
L-Citrulina 1,000mg
Cafeine 150mg 
L-Taurine 300mg 
Clembuterol 40 mcgr

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Clomiphene, commonly known by its brand name Clomid, is a medication frequently used in the world of bodybuilding and weightlifting. It is primarily employed as part of post-cycle therapy (PCT) following a cycle of anabolic steroids. Here's relevant information about Clomiphene in the context of bodybuilders:

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